Celebrating the enigmatic careers of Joe Rigby, Arthur Doyle, Earl Cross, Yosef Mumin Phillips & Ted Daniel
Homeboy music was originally created to highlight the music of Norman Howard, lost genius of the trumpet. Then the opportunity arose to present the extra-ordinary Arthur Doyle, perhaps the farthest out star in the jazz galaxy. And Joe Rigby, one of the most original, but little-known musicians in the jazz revolution inspired by Ornette Coleman. Joe Rigby and Arthur Doyle are sadly no longer with us, but their music lives on. Read their stories, and those of the great trumpeters, Ted Daniel, still very much alive, and Earl Cross.
Thanks to the foresight of Joe Rigby's friend Chris Capers and his cassette recorder, we can now bring you more phenomenal sounds from a time when Chris and Joe were together in the front-line, pushing at the musical boundaries.
Exciting times, exciting music from the 1960's and 70's, and still thrilling today.
These two recordings are technically flawed, but emotionally charged. The spirit of John Coltrane shines through, which isn't surprising, given his close friendship with Chris, and Joe's life-long love of his artistry.
Enjoy 'IMPRESSIONS' and 'REVELATIONS' featuring the "new" music of CHRIS CAPERS with JOE RIGBY.